SW - Ready Made Rig, Leaders
Owner 5536 Sabiki Mackerel Skin 6
3,33 €
25,09 kn
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Product code:
679,90 €
5.122,71 kn
VAT included in price 25%
| Exchange rate 1 € = 7,53450 Kn
After the great success of the Tanacom 500 calls for a somewhat larger model with greater line capacity and stronger engine, which can also be applied at greater depths, have grown louder.
The Tanacom 750 offers exactly these features: extreme line capacity and a very robust engine, which reliably pulls your rig to the surface also fromgreat depths. Thus, the Tanacom 750 offers reliable DAIWA quality.
With good reason DAIWA’s electric reels are well-known as reliable and alsmost indestructible helpers under extreme conditions since many years.
The Tanacom 750 can be operated by hand or via engine.
A power pack with 12/10Ah approximately lasts for one fishing day.
►► 4 ball bearings
►► Washable construction
►► Power Lever
►► One-piece power aluminum body
►► Electronic line counter (in meter)
►► Waterproof UTD drag system
►► Finely adjustable star drag
►► 20kg drag power
►► Aluminum spool
►► Large power handle knob
►► Supplied with cable
►► Made in Japan
3,33 €
25,09 kn
9,95 €
74,97 kn
11,68 €
88,00 kn
4,25 €
32,02 kn
14,35 €
8,61 €
64,87 kn
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